Upstate Projects: A Very DIY Christmas
A Very DIY Christmas
I closed on the house mid-December, so we had about a week to get things planned and pulled together to spend the week of Christmas moving in and doing the first push of work.
Because my parents are rockstars, and love a bit of DIY, they volunteered to come help me get things started! Mostly cleaning, painting, and assembling furniture. Still rather surprised that between my apartment, some hand-me-downs from my parents' basement, and a giant trip to IKEA ... this big ol' house ended up pretty full.
Some ... Adventures ...
One of the massive issues in old houses with old windows is heat loss. It costs a f*&%ing fortune to heat this place! We worked pretty hard that first week to get the windows closed, storms in, and Moretight sealed around the edges. That, coupled with strategic curtain usage, already made a big difference ...
Until we ran out of heating oil. *facepalm*
Not a rookie mistake, more a learning curve that signing up for "automatic delivery" doesn't mean you'll for surely have enough oil during a cold snap. Long story short, after a realllly cold day (where I resorted to wearing a fleece onesie over my long johns), the oil arrived and all was well.
Some other small adventures in those first few weeks:
1. That time one of the basement windows fell out of its rotten frame and into the basement, just leaving a hole to the outside world
2. That time I learned that the yard floods every time it rains into some sort of pond / bog / river
3. That time I learned a family of rodents are living .... somewhere ... in my house. Mostly we co-exist and they steer clear when my the Farrell daughters are around. But their poops and nibbles into food left outside plastic containers tells me they're still enjoying the place when I'm not there
4-Infinity. So many quirks to this old gal. We're getting there, though.
The Good News
I'm writing this 6 months the other side of this ... and we're all still talking to each other!
The house has progressed quite a bit (check out the other "Upstate Projects" posts below!)
And there's still so much fun to be had